Hire Your Own Landlord?

PHAR is excited to have residents included in the hiring process for a new Executive Director for CRHA!

This Wednesday, February 24 brings two applicants to town for an intensive selection process.

Residents should feel free to attend and participate in these two very important events on Wednesday!

Wednesday, Feb 24
10:30 am
Westhaven Community Center
Coffee and Donuts!
Join Residents and PHAR as we greet the first CRHA Executive Director applicant finalist and let them know a little about us! Share your experiences, what you know about Charlottesville, talk about the history as well as current events of public housing in Charlottesville, and have some coffee and donuts!
… stick around for

11:30 am
Westhaven Community Center

Join Residents and PHAR as we greet the second CRHA Executive Director applicant finalist and let them know a little about us! Share your experiences, what you know about Charlottesville, talk about the history as well as current events of public housing in Charlottesville, and have some lunch!

and then…

2:45 pm-5:30 pm
City Space (on the Downtown Mall)
Resident Interview Panel
Join Residents and Executive Director applicants for official resident focused interviewing. Residents are highly encouraged to attend and observe. We need you to hear what the applicants have to say, and we need your opinions when it comes time for selection!